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Let's create!

Just input video description or add an image as a reference, and you are all set to start creating your video!

New! Choose Video Generation Model
About 30 seconds
This model consumed 8 credits.

Add an image, video description, or both
on the left panel to get started.

How to use Video Studio AI to generate the video you want?

Video Studio AI uses advanced AI algorithms to transform text or image inputs into high-quality videos. Follow these four simple steps, and you can easily create high-quality AI Hug videos too.


Describe Your Ideal Video

Enter a detailed description of the hug video you envision. Include specifics such as the setting (e.g., beach, park, cozy living room), time of day, mood (e.g., joyful, comforting, celebratory), and any particular actions or emotions you want to see. The more details you provide, the better our AI can understand and create your desired scene. Don't hesitate to be creative – our system is designed to interpret and optimize your input, even if you're not sure about every aspect.


Upload Your Photo

Select and upload a high-quality, clear image of the person(s) you want to appear in the hug video. For best results, choose a photo where the subject's face is clearly visible, well-lit, and facing the camera. Full-body shots can be helpful but aren't necessary. Ensure the image file is under 10MB to allow for optimal processing. Supported formats include JPEG, PNG, and WebP. If you're including multiple people, make sure each person is clearly visible in the uploaded image.


Select Your AI Model

Choose between our two advanced AI models, each offering unique benefits: 1. Prometheus: This model specializes in creating fast 10-second videos and is highly flexible with input. It can work well even with minimal descriptions or lower quality images, making it ideal for quick creations or when you have limited input material. 2. Hermes: Our premium model that produces high-quality 5-second videos. It requires both a detailed description and a high-quality image to function optimally. Hermes is perfect when you want the highest possible video quality and have comprehensive input available. Consider your priorities (speed vs. quality) and available input when making your selection.


Generate and Share

Once you've completed the previous steps, click the 'Generate' button to start the AI video creation process. The generation typically takes between 1 to 5 minutes, depending on the complexity of your request and the current system load. During this time, our AI will work to create a personalized hug video based on your inputs. Once complete, you'll find your video in the 'My Videos' section of your account. From there, you can: 1. View your creation in high definition 2. Share it directly to social media platforms or via a unique link 3. Download the video for personal use 4. Delete the video if you're not satisfied and want to try again Remember, you can generate multiple versions with different inputs to find the perfect AI hug video that meets your expectations.

Video Studio AI FAQs

Find answers to common questions about Video Studio AI

What is Video Studio AI?

Video Studio AI is an advanced AI tool that transforms text descriptions or images into high-quality videos. It leverages artificial intelligence to automate the video creation process, making it simple and efficient.

How can I try Video Studio AI?

We apologize, but due to high operational costs, we've temporarily suspended our free trial. We plan to reintroduce it soon. In the meantime, you can subscribe to our credit-based plan to use Video AI. If you're not satisfied with the results, feel free to contact us for a refund.

Is the payment secure?

Absolutely. We use Paddle, a globally trusted payment platform with bank-level security. At Video Studio AI, we never collect customer payment information. You can rest assured that your payment details are completely safe when using our AI video generator.

How do I use Video Studio AI?

Using our AI-powered video studio AI is straightforward. Simply input your desired video description, or add an image to guide the video content. For optimal results with our video studio AI, please provide relevant text descriptions and matching images. Uploading unrelated images may affect the quality of the AI-generated video. We're continuously working to enhance this feature in Video Studio AI.

How does Video Studio AI work?

Users can input text descriptions or upload images of their desired video content. Video Studio AI's AI then processes this input and generates a video based on the provided information. The entire process is automated and requires no professional video editing skills.

Can I use Video Studio AI for professional projects?

Absolutely! Video Studio AI is suitable for both casual users and professionals. Its high-quality output and versatile applications make it ideal for various industries including marketing, education, and entertainment.

How realistic are the videos generated by Video Studio AI?

Video Studio AI produces videos with lifelike effects and high visual fidelity. The AI technology ensures that the generated videos have a realistic and professional look.

Is Video Studio AI cost-effective?

Yes, Video Studio AI can significantly reduce video production costs by minimizing the need for professional video production teams and equipment. It offers a more affordable solution for creating high-quality video content.

If you have any other questions, please reach out to our support team at [email protected]